Monday, July 26, 2010

Wow. What a Win.

Wow. What a Win.


The wizards were amazed when they heard the news that they were going to play manchester united. They had a problem that they playing that well when they got the news they had 5 weeks before they had to play them they practiced harder and started getting more vilent but that was bad news they lost their first game becuase of a red card by davy arnaud. but their second game they lost barley but great effort. Now that they had davy back they beat the leading team columbus witch got there confidence up and there next game teal bunbury hit three of the post. And managed a draw but finally they have a chance to prove themselves so they did they won the game and sent wizards fans home happy.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

wizards hot

the wizards witch had been doing bad coming into the games against columbus colarado rapids and the great manchester united. buut peter vermes new he had to get them back togather or he might loose his job. They won two out of three but had a draw against colorado.
wizards finally get a win over the worlds greatest manchester united. It was a tough game for some players. Jimmy Conrad got red carded off a dumb call it should have been offsides instead it was a 1 v 1 and jimmy had to slide in the box but he was happy with the end score. Josh Wolf did not see any playing time.